What Makes Us Different?
TimelyBill OSS
Billing Application Differentiation
DATA ACCESS: It’s your data. You can extract any and all information in multiple formats at any point in time without asking us for assistance.INSTANCES: All customers are provided with a dedicated Production AND Staging server in a separate instance. There is no license or resource sharing in the backend.
The dedicated Staging server allows one to perform testing on new releases and products prior to going live.
NO FORCED UPGRADES: The TimelyBill application is not delivered in a "distributed architecture". We do not force you into taking upgrades and can take on releases/upgrades at your pace.
CUSTOMER PORTAL: No extra cost. A dedicated IP is provided so you can utilize your own URL, thereby providing a seamless experience for the end user.
AGENT PORTAL: No extra cost. A dedicated IP is provided so you can utilize your own URL.
COMMISSIONING / COMMISSION PLANS: Provided out of the box. Create as many commission plans as you want.
CDR STORAGE: No extra cost for usage storage.
BRANDING: Customized branding is included in installation costs for Customer & Agent portals.
TRAINING: Always included. Even if you want to add a different module mid-contract, we’ll assist with setup and train you with no additional fees applied.
VIDEOS: All training sessions are specifically designed for your operational style and recorded. These are then made available to you for reference via our Support portal.
TAXATION: Included in the monthly cost. Integration with multiple tax providers. You can choose your provider.
SUPPORT: Phone & email support included. No limitation on type or frequency.
UPTIME: Application availability and uptime reports are provided monthly. SLAs are outlined in the MSA.
SECURITY: Information security is one of our highest priorities. We expose our infrastructure to stringent auditing and proudly declare our SAE 18 (SOC 1) Type II Certification.
REPORTING: 200+ canned reports are built-in. Additional Ad Hoc reporting tool provides enhanced capability to search, sort, and present relevant business intelligence in varying aspects – charts, graphs...
EXPERIENCE: We’re not just an application development shop. TimelyBill's leadership team ↗️ has extensive service provider experience in the telecommunications segment.
We didn’t take our queues from what others had done; rather, we developed our solution from first-hand experience and the necessity to provide a single-stack billing solution for today’s solutions provider.